Saturday 28 June 2014

Twist in the Tale sharing day in term 2

Secret Seven Sharing Day 

We kicked off our social action day in the morning with a huge tidy-up mission in which students in room 15 worked in groups to tidy up the native garden beside the Te Manawa block within the hour.

Daina and Pritesh were doing their little bit as great citizens and so were the others in the background. We all worked like busy bees to start and finish our clean up chores in the first session of the day.

After morning tea we shared a Rap on how we fix up problems in school life called FIY
(Fix it yourself) just  like DIY. 

The junior classes loved our Rap and one of them said "Cool Rap! I like how you rhyme the words in your rap, Room 15."

Thereafter we did an awesome play called the "Twist in the Tale" in which we mixed up the events from traditional tales with a clear message on  how we fix up problems that arise in our daily lives by ourselves.The talented Ananiel captured the audience with his amusing character- in - role dialogue. What a performance!

 We worked as digital experts by buddying up with 4 junior classes to share our class blogs and to teach them how to access their own class blogs as well.

Kanye and John worked with junior buddies to take them through the math learning sites and play games to revise their knowledge of doubles and halves. 

"Let's play Hit the Button again, Pilimi. It 's fun," cried the little boys.

Our class was a busy learning place where we were the kid-teachers. We felt very confident and were pleased to be helpful citizens to kids in our own school.

We also involved the parents from the community and other staff to join in our digital learning journey.

Cortez's Mum, Juanita's and his Dad also shared in our exciting digital learning experience.

Helle, Daina's Mum helped out by handing out a little snack at the end of each session. 

We needed and appreciated every hand on sharing day. "Thank you parents and teachers" we said at the end.

 We were also glad that out teacher, Mrs Naidoo, could find some time to join in our games.

Immediately after lunch and roll call was over, we dressed as cheerleaders and hurried off to our Post where we were needed the Most. 

While the others were washing teachers' cars we were entertaining the workers with our action-packed car wash dance in the front car park.

When those cars were cleaned and shiny, we proceeded to the junior car park on the far end of the school
 where we mimed the car wash danced the best we could-
Making our own music and song, 
where no electric power is found.  

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