Students in groups are writing up their Aims and Hypotheses for their science investigation as Sunsmart Scientists.
John and JoArnia's group called Avatars, are writing up the reasons for choosing their science inquiry question-
"We have been wondering why dark-coloured things gets hotter than light-coloured stuff
when placed in the sun for the same number of hours."
So Daina, John, Teavali, Kapriyani and Tufele,'s group, Avatars wrote up their group's Aim and Hypothesis on why they think dark -coloured cars will get hotter in temperature than light-coloured cars if parked in the sun, for the same period of time. While all the other conditions would be kept CONTANT or the same, the only VARIABLE would be, the two cars of different colours -one dark black and the other silver -white.
Lizzie, Keleni, Pilimi and Khobi's group Cobras, are writing up our aims and hypothesis after thinking about what to investigate. We have been wondering how SPF in sunscreen works to protect the different shades, colours or hues of skin.
Here is Cobras' hypothesis. "We think that light-coloured skin like Daina's, would get sunburned quicker, than darker-coloured skin like Harishna's."
At first our group Cobras, did a little experiment with 4 different coloured cans. We covered one can in orange paper, the other one in white, the third one in black and the last one in green paper. We places all 4 cans on the windowsill from 10.00am to 2.00pm and then we used the thermometer to measure the temperature of each can.
We were careful to keep all the conditions the same or Constant, by first taking the temperature reading of each can at 10 o' clock and placing all cans on the same windowsill at the same time, as a measure of Control. Thereafter we took the second reading at 2pm.
Chloe, Tupou, Delta and Pritesh's group called Kingking, have been wondering how Sunsmart kids at Sylvia Park School are. So we made up a set of questions in a questionnaire-form and did a survey on all the students at SPS. Then we tallied up the scores and plotted them on a Bar Graph to study the results to help us make comments on what we found and why this might be the case in our investigation.
Our hypothesis is that we think that children at SPS have Sunsmart Awareness because most of them wear hats and either sit under the shade-cloth areas or they sit under the trees.
Tapout's Terrarium experiment with Harishna, Cortez, JT and Maedana was done as a whole class experiment for an explanation writing lesson.
So we in Tapout group were wondering if the water in a sealed glass terrarium might recycle itself like it does in nature. So everyday we observe all the things that are happening inside the terrarium, which sits on the whiteboard shelf in front of the class.
Here are our evidence of our hypothesis that the "no-care garden" or terrarium is able to recycle its water over and over to support plant growth over a long period of time.
All we have to do is sit tight and observe what happens inside the sealed glass container and
record our findings like smart scientists do.
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