Wednesday 22 October 2014

Diwali, Indian festival of Lights

On Thursday 23 October 2014, Harishna came to school in her Indian outfit." I shall not describe it for you -you can view it for yourself" said Cortez.

Harishna didn't come empty -handed. She brought a diva or clay lamp with a cotton wool wick and some ghee or solid oil/butter. She also brought  some matches to light her lamp. Here is her diva.  "Is this where you get the name Diwali from, Harishna ?" asked the kids. Yep!

Guess who else wore their Indian outfit? That's right, its our teacher, Mrs Naidoo. 
She wore a dusky rose,  short Indian top and a long skirt that flowed like a river, to the floor. "You look lovely and tall in that Indian outfit" said all the boys, shyly.

Before Maths we all wanted to capture this for our class blogs. "Is it 'ALL about the 
BLOGs' ?" asked my teacher. "Yeees"! we answered in chorus.

Mrs Naidoo handed out some Indian fried doughnut balls and Harishna shared some sweetmeats called gulab jambos. They were yummy! 
"We love Diwali!" everyone cheered.

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