Sunday 17 February 2013

Room15's "Walk - about" around Sylvia Park School. !

Room 15 is a group of eager Year 4 and 5 students who love learning about authentic and everyday topics like how children travel to school on a daily basis and what might be some hazards on their way to school.

In week 2 we went for a visit around our very own school which is called Sylvia Park School to look at some hazards that may make travelling to and from school a bit dangerous for students.We talked about dangers like wheeler bins on the footpath, sneaky driveways, broken glass, unsafe footpaths, and fast cars.We also looked at the traffic signs and speed limits around the school. We were amazed by what we learnt on our short walk which started from Longford Street, up to  Mt Wellington Highway and across to Hamlin Road.



  1. Awesome Room 15, I can see that you're stuck into you're learning for 2013! I can't wait to see what wonderful ideas you come up with as you move through the Inquiry process... keep up the great work!

  2. Great to see you all investigating your problem out in the community. It's going to be interesting to see just how you help us all to solve it!

  3. Your blog is looking fantastic Room 15, keep it up! I can't wait to read more about your plan for action in your area!
